St Mary’s College has a strong and vibrant House system.
Each student is placed into one of the six school Houses, each wearing different House colours at sporting and arts events.
The Houses promote healthy competition within the school. Some of the days students can earn points are Mercy Day, Wisdom Day and Athletics Day.
Points are awarded for academic, sporting and cultural successes as well as for service and citizenship. A Cup at the end of the year is fiercely contested.
House Borders on the Banners
This border was created to show that, although the Saints and heritage of Europe are revered, this College is a product of New Zealand and its heritage.
The Maori sun, moon and wind, the rafter patterns and the Marae acknowledge the presence of Maori culture in our lives. The pohutukawa and clematis flowers show just two of our many beautiful plants, while the mountains, sea and sky; stream running through bush and punga groves remind us of our wonderful countryside. Twelve pairs of New Zealand native birds are depicted; the tui; shining cuckoo; fernbird; saddleback; bellbird; stitchbird; yellowhead; whitehead; bushwren; kingfisher; South Island robin; and fantail.
The Celtic Cross recognises that Catholic education in New Zealand owes its existence to Irish Orders who came to this country to educate Catholic students. The Mercy Cross acknowledges that St Mary’s College owes its continuing existence to the Sisters of Mercy.
The current House banners were created by the late Sylvia Wells in 2001.